Monday, November 6, 2017

Out of Shape

I am currently in a terrible shape. I only weigh 50kg but I look definitely out of shape. My face is skinny while my tummy has been growing in width looking like I had given birth. I am single and had never been pregnant. I used to have this lovely waistline most people are envious of. But right now I look terrible.

So I had been contemplating about taking physical fitness classes in a gym near my work place to get back in shape. When I told Papa about it he quoted 1 Timothy 4:8 in tagalog, and I was left dumbfounded.

"Ang pagsasanay sa katawan ay may kaunting pakinabang..." v8

I know he did not mean I should not think about exercising. What he meant was to be more concerned on practicing spiritual discipline more than bodily training.

Thank you Father in Heaven for the wisdom through my earthly father.

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