About Me

   I am not your normal lady. By that I mean I am not good at house chores like cooking the simplest meals and anything to do about food preparation, interior decorations, arrangements, and most tasks requiring fine motor skills. 
       I am not a make-up person. I don't put on make-up. I don't know how to put on make-up. I don't even put on lipstick unless i am obliged to do so (during special occasions when it is a taboo not to wear one). I don’t feel obliged to learn how to put on make-up because I get zits/acne after leaving them on my skin for a few hours.

       As of 20 August 2015, I was diagnosed of having benign breast cysts. So, I am in the process of gradually replacing the synthetic products I used with natural or organic ones. I also take vitamin C capsules (Fern-C) and food supplement (MX3 capsules) hoping to at least avoid new breast cysts from growing.

I don't drink alcoholic beverages. My favorite fruit drink is guyabano juice. However, GJ isn't always available in most restaurants and department stores so I usually go for pineapple juice and green mango juice.

I am not a milk person. I only drink milk when I have no other choice but to do so (like when I have to avoid coffee for health reasons and when I need to gain weight faster). But I like wintermelon milktea. =)

I love coffee. My day aint complete without taking atleast a cup. I used to drink brewed coffee until I was 16. I started adding creamer when I was in college since I had to drink lots for my study sessions. Then I started drinking 3n1 coffee sold in sachets during my basic training at laguna up to this day.

As to gifts, I prefer receiving fruits rather than chocolates; a plant in a pot rather than a bouquet of flowers; gift certificates from a supermarket/department store rather than an actual item from the same store;  

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